Pflugerville Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2.0

February 08, 2020

Category: CEDS, CEDS3

Three years ago, Pflugerville Community Development Corporation (PCDC) commissioned the creation of Pflugerville’s first Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). This first strategy, CEDS 1.0, drew on extensive community input and took a broad look at economic development priorities throughout Pflugerville. Since that time, PCDC and its partners in the community have accomplished nearly all the actions identified in CEDS 1.0, and Pflugerville has seen tremendous economic growth as a result.

With most CEDS 1.0 tasks completed, PCDC contracted Avalanche Consulting to assist in developing CEDS 2.0 – with the goal of taking Pflugerville’s economic development efforts to the next level through increased focus and targeted marketing. CEDS 2.0 will identify how Pflugerville can continue to support robust growth in unique clusters like additive manufacturing, while leveraging the community’s position within Central Texas to take advantage of new defense, technology, and other targeted opportunities. CEDS 2.0 will build on and enhance the characteristics that make Pflugerville unique while also identifying ways to better tell Pflugerville’s story to the region, state, and nation.